Individual Learning Preferences – auditory

Models of Learning Preference Advantages Disadvantages auditory 1.In Auditory learners learn best by hearing or through verbal communication. 2.Lerners develop listening and presentation skills. Auditory learners excel in interactive approaches to learning that involve storytelling, role-playing and dialogue. 3.Auditory learners are good at remembering what they hear as they learn Read more…

Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.(Constructivism)

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Teaching Learning Assessment Constructivism- In constructivism learning is viewed as an interaction between the learner and the learning environment In this method first decide the content and learning activities. For example, Design vacuum cleaner. learners explore and explain their ideas, learners recognize scientific ideas behind the   Read more…

Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.(Cognitivism)

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Teaching Learning Assessment Cognitivism Cognitivism is a learning theory which deals with how people perceive and remember information, solve problems and ultimately learn. The term ‘cognition’ refers to all processes by which sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used. Topic is air pollution. Read more…

Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of learning can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment.(Behaviourism)

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Teaching Learning Assessment Behaviourism when applied to a classroom setting, focuses on conditioning student behaviour with various types of behaviour reinforcements and consequences called operant conditioning. An example of behaviourism is when teachers reward their class or certain students with a party or special treat at Read more…

Analyse theories, principles and models of learning – Constructivism

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Key ideas Advantages Disadvantages Constructivism Active-Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs  as learners are actively involved in the process of meaning and knowledge construction. as opposed to passively receiving information.Constructivist theories Bruner’s theory of learning by discovery, Cognitive constructivism(Piaget),Social constructivism(Vygotsky)Subsumption theory(a usubel) Read more…

Analyse theories, principles and models of learning – Andragogy

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Key ideas Advantages Disadvantages Andragogy   Andragogy Developed by Malcolm Knowles in 1968. principle 1.problem orientation 2.Have experience 3.Internally motivated 4.Ready to learn Self motivated Andragogy is adult learning theory-adults tend to be more self-directed, internally motivated, and ready to learn.easy to get job In this Read more…

Analyse theories, principles and models of learning – Cognitivism

Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning Key ideas Advantages Disadvantages Cognitivism Discovery-Piaget’s approach to learnings a readiness approach.according to Piaget, knowledge is not merely transmitted verbally but must be constructed and reconstructed by the learner.   In cognitivism intelligence grows through the twin processes of assimilation and  accommodation.Teacher as facilitators of knowledge, Read more…