What is meant by assessment?

​Assessment is carried out to see what children and young people know, understand and are able to do.

Assessment is very important for tracking progress, planning next steps, reporting and involving parents, children and young people in learning.

Assessment covers:

  • The ways teachers support and assess children’s learning and monitor progress and identify next steps in learning.
  • Reporting to parents/carers, in writing and in discussions, to help them understand their child’s progress and what they can do to help their child’s learning.
  • Formal recognition of a child or young person’s achievements through profiles and qualifications.
  • Recognising our children’s achievements through a range of new qualifications in the senior school, which build on everything they have accomplished throughout their schooling.

Curriculum for Excellence has improved assessment in the following ways:

  • A better connected assessment system with smoother links through early learning, primary, secondary school and college.
  • More ways of assessing progress to support learning and more flexibility to meet learners’ individual needs.
  • By introducing individual profiles of children’s achievements at P7 and S3. These give a clear recognition of the achievements they have made and the skills they have developed at these crucial times in their lives.
