Teachers License Practice Tests

Unlocking potential through consistent skill practice


Test Lists

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 1

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 2

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 3

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 4

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 5

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 6

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 7

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 8

No of questions : 10

Element :

Respect and promote UAE values, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 1

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 2

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 3

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 4

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 5

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 6

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 7

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 8

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 9

No of questions : 10

Element :

Demonstrate personal and professional ethics, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:

Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 1

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 2

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 3

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 4

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 5

No of questions : 12

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 6

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 7

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 8

No of questions : 10

Element :

 Be accountable for and to learners, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 1

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 2

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 3

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 4

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 5

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 6

No of questions : 11

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 7

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 8

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 9

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done

Standard 1: Professional and Ethical Conduct

Test No : 10

No of questions : 10

Element :

Establish communication and collaboration, which can be measured by the following performance criteria:


Status : Not done