Objectivity is an important characteristic of a good test. It affects both validity and reliability of test scores. Objectivity of a measuring instrument moans the degree to which different persons scoring the answer receipt arrives of at the same result. C.V. Good (1973) defines objectivity in testing is “the extent to which the instrument is free from personal error (personal bias), that is subjectivity on the part of the scorer”.
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Gronlund and Linn (1995) states “Objectivity of a test refers to the degree to which equally competent scores obtain the same results. So a test is considered objective when it makes for the elimination of the scorer’s personal opinion and bias judgement. In this context there are two aspects of objectivity which should be kept in mind while constructing a test.”
(i) Objectivity in scoring.
(ii) Objectivity in interpretation of test items by the testee.
(i) Objectivity of Scoring:
Objectivity of scoring means same person or different persons scoring the test at any time arrives at the same result without may chance error. A test to be objective must necessarily so worded that only correct answer can be given to it. In other words the personal judgement of the individual who score the answer script should not be a factor affecting the test scores. So that the result of a test can be obtained in a simple and precise manner if the scoring procedure is objective. The scoring procedure should be such that there should be no doubt as to whether an item is right or wrong or partly right or partly wrong.
(ii) Objectivity of Test Items:
By item objectivity we mean that the item must call for a definite single answer. Well-constructed test items should lead themselves to one and only one interpretation by students who know the material involved. It means the test items should be free from ambiguity. A given test item should mean the same thing to all the students that the test maker intends to ask. Dual meaning sentences, items having more than one correct answer should not be included in the test as it makes the test subjective.