Tips: Avoid using School email id for license registration >> see the example

Hi Teachers,

As I have received an email from a teacher who is working in Fujairah , I thought I can share this with you.

Just read her email first:


I am xx.xxxxxxxx      from Fujairah. Our school was under Gems and I registered for the test using gems mail ID. Now as the management has changed I could not log in using the same ID. Kindly advice me on how can I go about it as I got an email that the next set of teachers  are going to write pedagogy test. I don’t have any clue whether I am in those set of teachers or not.
Kindly help me with this matter
Thanking you
With regards
this is just a lesson for us, because if we are registering with school id for license and we change the job , the email id will be disconnected. We will loose all the work done with license system / we have to contact many times the moe team via email / directly to solve this issue.
So I am advising you to use personal email id for license system ,  the same is applicable when you are trying to apply for a better job in other school.
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Your Admin
