Theory/Model/ Principle of Learning | Teaching | Learning | Assessment |
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Click here Read more interesting case study based article on each TLS sub topic in my second website when applied to a classroom setting, focuses on conditioning student behaviour with various types of behaviour reinforcements and consequences called operant conditioning. |
An example of behaviourism is when teachers reward their class or certain students with a party or special treat at the end of the week for good behaviour. That good behaviour gradually develop in the entire class. The same concept is used with punishments.
For example in Science if teacher wants to teach any experiment, students must know the lab settings and common safety rules, those who follow the rules regularly teacher should appreciate the learners. a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviourists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions. |
1.Compliment Good Behaviour. The simplest way in which to apply positive reinforcement is to praise a student when she behaves well or successfully completes a task. … 2.Support Praise with Evidence. 3.Utilize Negative Reinforcement. 4.Apply Unpleasant Consequences When Necessary. 5.The learning process is based on objectively observable changes in behaviour. The new behavioural pattern can be repeated so it becomes automatic. 6.The change in behaviour of the learner signifies that learning has occurred. Examples of behaviour modification techniques include praise, reward systems, continual feedback, positive reinforcement and non-punitive discipline. For example, Sara is a five-year-old girl who has started getting into trouble at school. She has been sent to the office three times in one week and is now crying and refusing to go to school. What could be going on with Sara? A behavioural assessment might be the next step toward answering this question. |
analysis Classroom discussion Homework submission Classroom behaviour During a classroom For Eg: Observation It is noted that Sara has trouble following directions during spelling lessons, squints and rubs her eyes, speaks out of turn and gets up from her desk without permission. Teacher analyse the reason and discuss with student and family then solve the problem.