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Explain ways in which theories and models of reflection and evaluation can be applied to reviewing the student’s own practice

There are various models in which reflective practice can be developed from. These include

There are various opportunities for learners to self-reflect these include

The reflexive practice models are similar in content in relation to evaluation of past experiences. Personally after evaluating these theories I prefer John’s model. Especially the elements of emotion, as all behaviours are linked to an emotional response and as cognitive behaviour therapy advocates we have to challenge learnt behaviours, and emotional response is one of those learnt behaviours. I would also adopt the process of learning from others as people will see things differently, especially if you are too involved in the problem, viewing the problem from an objective outsider’s point of view, may assist in the development of strategies to deal with a problem.

From the reflective models I would advocate and incorporate the cyclic nature of learning for our specific cohort of learners. However, I do not feel the theories go far enough as each leaning situation will differ, so no 2 similar situations will be dealt with the same – especially as all learners have different wants and needs. so there needs to be a further element of adaptability in the immediate situation applied to the theories and models.


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