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Analyse theories, principles and models of assessment

Assessments are either Initial/ diagnostic – Occurs before teaching begins to identify learner’s current knowledge, skill sets and capabilities. Knowing learners’ strengths and weaknesses assists with effective lesson planning and how to teach it. Types of Assessments include

The advantages are that it enables the tutor to determine the level the learner is at and any specific requirements. This means the lessons can be adapted to specific learner need. The disadvantage is by doing this the tutor may have developed pre conceived ideas which may inhibit learners progress

Formative – Formative assessments are a two-way process. Provides ongoing feedback to ensure learners are on track. Focus is on areas of improvement and not usually graded. They are used to determine learning progress and teaching effectiveness. It helps students identify strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement and address problems immediately. Examples of formative assessments include:

The advantages are that they are not graded removing anxiety for learners. Instead, they enable learners to get assistance in areas they are struggling in. This enables early intervention into issues, to enhance learning and ability. As it is ongoing this is a continuous process so ensures effective intervention.

Effective large scale assessment is difficult to achieve, and potentially logistically impossible. It is a very time consuming process and requires significant, ongoing commitment. Formative assessment doesn’t provide objective and comparable measures required for accountability. Tutors may also lack training on how to use formative assessments successfully.

Summative An end of course evaluative process assessing levels of achievement and effectiveness of course delivery.  High-stakes summative assessments i.e. accredited exams are given at the end of a set point and take a standardized format. Then levels of understanding can be assessed against a universal benchmark, in an unbiased way. Types of Summative Assessment include

The advantages are it can show how much a learner has learnt and determine progress and achievement, is usually graded against a standard so is universal, and can measure improvements. However, they cannot intervene before issues become critical as they only occur at the end of the course. Tests such as these put pressure on learners who become anxious which could then in turn affect performance in the tests.

There are many forms of assessment which can be formal or informal. The method of assessment selected will be dependent on various factors

Below is a discussion of various forms of assessment



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